Nancy Pelosi’s Fondness For Gulfstream’s Sleek G-5
NANCY Pelosi suffers from acute air rage, as the NYPost explains:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has gone from frequent flier to jet-aircraft connoisseur, with aides berating military officials to get the best planes, e-mails revealed yesterday.
Isn’t she the one, who in 2007..?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and California Sen. Barbara Boxer are using their new power to turn Capitol Hill green. Their goal, which they say should set an example for others across the country, is to make Congress’ vast complex of buildings more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
Meanwhile, aboard Air Rubber Band:
Pelosi, who clashed with the military to get nonstop service when she flies home to California with police protection on government planes, revealed a particular fondness for Gulfstream’s sleek G-5 – a plane glamorized in Hollywood films and rap videos.
“It is my understanding there are no G-5s available for the House during the Memorial Day recess. This is totally unacceptable . . . The speaker will want to know where the planes are,” a Pelosi aide wrote in an angry e-mail to the military.
She’s not using planes, she’s recycling them. When the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is over, Pelosi can recycle all manner of aircraft that would otherwise never be used again…
Spotter: Instapundit and Judicial Watch.
Posted: 11th, March 2009 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink